West Point Writing Program

The West Point Writing Program (WPWP) supports Cadets, faculty, and staff as they pursue the study of writing and communication across the curriculum, in every discipline and department, at the United States Military Academy. Its overarching goal is to cultivate institutional awareness of the writing process and effective writing practices, and especially to provide Cadets with continuity and coherence in their education so that all graduates are thoughtful, agile, and clear communicators prepared to answer the various demands of their professional environments and succeed as Army officers. Through its Writing Fellows Program, the WPWP offers Cadets who have demonstrated exceptional promise as writers and communicators to undertake a progressive sequence of multipurpose courses (WR303, WR313) that prepare them not only to work with fellow Cadets individually and in small groups at the Mounger Writing Center but also to develop as teacher-scholars in their own right. The WPWP also offers WR200: Developmental and Professional Writing, a one credit-hour summer course designed to equip cadets with basic critical reading and writing skills necessary for success across academic disciplines.

For additional details go to our Department Home Page or Contact our academic advisors

No Major or Minor associated with MADN-WPWP