Department of Physics and Nuclear Engineering

The Department of Physics and Nuclear Engineering is responsible for a two-term core course designed to give all cadets a basic understanding of the physics that is relevant to the design and employment of modern military systems. The Department offers majors in physics (PHYO) and interdisciplinary studies (ISCO). These challenging programs provide cadets a sound foundation for subsequent graduate study in any subdiscipline of physics. The Department offers majors in nuclear engineering (NENO) and nuclear engineering science (NESO). Traditional topics--like reactor design--are covered. In addition, a great deal of emphasis is placed upon understanding the effects of nuclear weapons, which is a subject of increasing importance in today's national security arena. The Nuclear Engineering program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, The Department also offers a Nuclear Technology and Policy Studies minor.

For additional details go to our Department Home Page or Contact our academic advisors

Major and Minor Catalog
8 Records

Dept Code Description Offerings
MADN-PNE NEN1 Nuclear Engineering 2024 , 2025 , 2026 , 2027 , 2028

MADN-PNE NES1 Nuclear Engineering Science 2024 , 2025 , 2026 , 2027 , 2028

MADN-PNE NSM0N Nuclear Science Minor 2024 , 2025 , 2026 , 2027 , 2028

MADN-PNE PHS0 Physics Studies Major 2024 , 2025 , 2026 , 2027 , 2028

MADN-PNE PHT0N Photonics Minor 2024 , 2025 , 2026 , 2027 , 2028

MADN-PNE PHY1 Physics 2024 , 2025 , 2026 , 2027 , 2028

MADN-PNE SPA0N Space Science Minor 2024 , 2025 , 2026 , 2027 , 2028

MADN-PNE SSC0 Space Science 2024 , 2025 , 2026 , 2027 , 2028

** These are active Majors and Minors that are sponsored by Department of Physics and Nuclear Engineering
Click on graduation year to retrieve details associated with that Major or Minor offering to a specific graduation year