Department of Law

The Department of Law provides the opportunity to pursue a program in Law and Legal Studies. The Department offers two majors: American Legal Studies, and International & Comparative Legal Studies. We welcome cadets who are interested in undergraduate legal studies. Law and its effect on society has long been a proper subject of study, and writers from Aristotle to Oliver Wendell Holmes have addressed the nature of law and its impact upon the people of the world. This is of particular importance in our country, which is based on the principle of the rule of law. Over a century ago, Toqueville observed that in the United States nearly every political question eventually becomes a legal question. The goal of our undergraduate Law and Legal Studies program is to help develop cadets? critical thinking abilities to assist in educating them as leaders of character. By its nature, the study of law draws on historical and cultural perspectives, requires awareness and resolution of moral and ethical issues, demonstrates the need for and value of clear and concise communication, and leads to increased understanding of how individuals, organizations, and societies pursue goals. We do not seek to provide cadets with a body of legal knowledge or to train them to be lawyers -- this is not a pre-law program. Rather, the Department of Law's Law and Legal Studies program is designed to educate cadets to be leaders in a changing and often ambiguous world.

For additional details go to our Department Home Page or Contact our academic advisors

Major and Minor Catalog
1 Records

Dept Code Description Offerings
MADN-LAW LLS2 Law and Legal Studies 2024

** These are active Majors and Minors that are sponsored by Department of Law
Click on graduation year to retrieve details associated with that Major or Minor offering to a specific graduation year