Department of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership

The Department of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership offers majors in the behavioral, organizational, and sociological sciences. Four disciplinary majors are available: Psychology (Applied General Psychology or Organizational Psychology and Leadership tracks), Engineering Psychology, Management, or Sociology. A minor in Network Science is also available. Study of the Behavioral Sciences provides an opportunity to increase cadet understanding of human behavior at several levels ranging from individual through small groups, to organizations and social institutions. Physiological, psychological and societal determinants of behavior are explored in depth in order to improve the ability to describe, explain, predict, and influence human behavior. Majoring in one of the Behavioral Sciences majors allows a cadet to structure an appropriate sequence of courses which will ensure understanding of behavior from psychological, as well as the sociological and organizational perspectives. One unifying theme that crosses all programs within the department is the fundamental understanding of human behavior, both as individuals and in groups. This underlying basis ensures that every program of study in the department has direct and immediate relevance to the lives of our graduates during their careers as Army officers and beyond.

For additional details go to our Department Home Page or Contact our academic advisors

Major and Minor Catalog
8 Records

Dept Code Description Offerings
MADN-BSL EPS1 Engineering Psychology 2024 , 2025 , 2026 , 2027 , 2028

MADN-BSL MGB0 Management: Business Management 2024 , 2025

MADN-BSL MGN0 Management 2026 , 2027 , 2028

MADN-BSL MGP0 Management: Public Administration 2024 , 2025

MADN-BSL MGS0 Management: Social Enterprise 2024 , 2025

MADN-BSL PSA0 Psychology: Applied General Psychology 2024 , 2025 , 2026 , 2027 , 2028

MADN-BSL PSO0 Psychology: Org Psych & Leadership 2024 , 2025 , 2026 , 2027 , 2028

MADN-BSL SOC1 Sociology Major 2024 , 2025 , 2026 , 2027 , 2028

** These are active Majors and Minors that are sponsored by Department of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership
Click on graduation year to retrieve details associated with that Major or Minor offering to a specific graduation year