XE490 |
2019 |
2 |
Civil and Mechanical Engineering |
This course provides in-depth study of sustainable building design, particularly as it relates to Civil Engineering topics. The course is intended to broaden the Cadet?s exposure to the Civil Engineering discipline. This course focuses on the quantitative evaluation of design techniques and technologies meant to reduce the energy demand of small buildings. Although the focus is on residential homes, the techniques and technologies learned are applicable to buildings of all sizes. By focusing on the familiar elements of a residential home, students develop invaluable intuitions that will enable them to understand the very same elements in commercial and industrial buildings. What is a "net zero energy" building? What technologies are currently available for use? How much energy can be saved? How much investment in efficiency is justified given the cost? Students answer these questions and more as they investigate how science and engineering can be applied to achieve sustainability.
(CONDITIONAL APPROVAL in AY16 - Full Review in AY18 - 31 Jan 2018 - CME decided to archive this course - not ready to submit full proposal)
40 @ 55 min (0.000 Att/wk) |
0 @ 0 min |
None |