AE388 |
2027 |
1 |
Civil and Mechanical Engineering |
The aerodynamics of vertical flight is analyzed for hover, translating, and
partial power flight. Theory and experimental results are used to predict
aircraft performance. The course analyzes the dynamic response of a rotor
system and the performance aspects of the vehicle as a whole. This is
followed by a design workshop, during which cadets complete the initial
sizing of a vertical aircraft to meet specific mission requirements. The course
includes one flight lab in a helicopter, a laboratory examining rotor power and
thrust utilizing a whirl stand apparatus, and one field trip to a commercial
helicopter company. ***This is a provisionally approved course for the Aerospace Engineering Major (AEN0) and must undergo review by the Curriculum Committee NLT AY26-2. Pending ABET-PEV review of ET=3.0CR.*** |
28 @ 75 min (2.000 Att/wk) |
2 @ 120 min |
ME202 pre-requisite may be waived with validation exercise on structured programming and AE Program Director approval. |